What Is Wacipi?
What happens at Wacipi?

Be Respectful
Wacipi is a sacred gathering. We ask that visitors please be respectful at all times. Please refrain from talking during prayers. At the beginning of wacipi during Grand Entry and during Honor Songs and prayers, everyone will be asked to stand, if they are able, and remove their hats as the veteran color guard presents the eagle staff and flags. Please remain standing as the veterans, visiting dignitaries, tribal royalty, and dancers enter the Arena. The Master of Ceremonies will indicate when it is appropriate to stand during various songs and prayers throughout wacipi. If you are elderly or have a medical condition, it is fine to sit if needed.
The Arena
The Arena has a grassy, sacred middle area and has been blessed for the gathering. Prayers and tobacco has been offered to the Creator. In the very center of the Arena are flag poles and holders for eagle staffs and flags. The Arena is not an area for smoking, is not an area for children to play, and should not be used to cut across or as a shortcut. This area should be treated like a church.
Always ask permission before taking photos of dancers outside of the arena. Photos can be taken during dances, contesting or during intertribals. The Masters of Ceremonies will normally advise guests when not to take photos.
Dancers’ Regalia
Always ask before touching anyone’s regalia, as some regalia is sacred or has been ritually purified. Regalia often shows designs, colors, and other ornamentation that represent the wearer’s tribe, family, or political or marital status.
Drum Groups
Because the drum holds special significance, please do not touch any of the drums or drumsticks. Please avoid walking between the chairs and the drum.
Eagle Feather/Fallen Warrior Ceremonies
This ceremony is conducted when an eagle feather falls to the ground. Veterans retrieve the “Fallen Warrior.” Please note: Photography is not allowed during this ceremony.
How much does it cost to attend?
Admission is completely free! The SMSC made the decision in 2019 to eliminate entrance fees in order to make the event accessible to anyone and everyone interested in attending.
Tribal Royalty
Contemporary powwows often feature braves and princesses, or tribal royalty. These individuals represent their respective tribal nations and act as ambassadors for their people. These individuals are selected through a contest, where they may display their knowledge of their language, history, dancing ability, or a combination of all three skills.
Dance Competitions
Today, the SMSC’s Wacipi is a contest powwow, where dancers compete in dance categories and age groups, including Tiny Tots, Junior, Teen, Adult – Bronze (18-29), Silver (30-43), Gold (44-54), Platinum (55-64) – and Elders (65+). There are exhibitions and contests throughout the three-day event, including dance categories such as Men’s Fancy, Grass, Jingle, and Southern Buckskin, among others. Drum groups are invited to participate in our wacipi as well. The Master of Ceremonies sometimes calls for intertribal dancing, allowing everyone to dance together.
SMSC Wacipi Committee
The SMSC Wacipi Committee is a dedicated group of Community Members who work diligently to plan and organize the annual event.
Ceremonies and Traditions
Specials: Throughout a wacipi, honorary dances and ceremonies called “Specials” are integrated, usually celebrating a specific individual.
Fallen Warrior Ceremony: If an eagle feather falls to the ground, an Eagle Feather/Fallen Warrior Ceremony is held for veterans to retrieve the “Fallen Warrior.” The SMSC has the highest respect for wambdi, the eagle. The eagle flies higher than any other being and carries prayers to the Creator. Possession of an eagle feather is an honor. Eagle feathers are usually received as a gift from a relative, spiritual teacher, or from the eagle himself. Please note: Photography is not allowed during this ceremony.
Giveaway: A Giveaway is a tradition when someone has been honored or a major accomplishment is reached. The Master of Ceremonies announces the purpose of the Giveaway, and then simple, everyday gifts are given to the honoree. Blankets and special gifts, like Star Quilts, are given to individuals who have helped the family. Visitors are sometimes given small gifts as well. It is considered impolite to refuse a gift if given. A Giveaway is generally followed by a Wopida (Thank You) song and dance, where everyone who has received a gift is invited to participate in a round dance.
Naming Ceremonies: Naming Ceremonies are used when families want to give a spiritual or Native American name to an individual. A spiritual leader or respected elder performs this ceremony, and a Giveaway and Honor Song typically follow. Please note: Photography is not allowed during this ceremony.
Honor Songs: Honor Songs commemorate an individual who has passed away or achieved a significant accomplishment, such as graduating from school, being selected as royalty, or serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Everyone is invited to shake hands with the individual and family.
Pets/Service Animals/Emotional Support Animals
Pets are not permitted at the SMSC Wacipi Grounds, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Little Six Casino, and/or any outdoor events hosted on SMSC property.
Service Animals
The SMSC welcomes guests with service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A service animal is defined as a dog (any size, any breed) trained to perform work or a task directly related to a person’s disability. Once the dog’s status has been verified a wristband will be provided to the dog’s handler that can be affixed to the dog’s collar, harness, or leash. The wristband may also be worn by the dog’s handler. This will help prevent further questioning by SMSC team members so guests my fully enjoy their stay.
*If attaching the wristband to the dog’s collar, harness, or leash please take care to ensure the wristband’s placement does not pose a hazard to the animal.
Emotional Support/Comfort Animals
Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. These would be classified as comfort or emotional support animals. Emotional support/comfort animals are not permitted at the SMSC Wacipi Grounds, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Little Six Casino, and/or any outdoor events hosted on SMSC property.
About the Wacipi Grounds
3212 Dakotah Parkway
Shakopee, MN 55379
The SMSC’s Wacipi Grounds are located just north of Mystic Lake Casino Hotel and south of County Road 42, between county roads 83 and 17 (Marschall Road). The Wacipi Grounds provide ample parking. Golf carts are available to transport guests from the parking lot to the grounds at no charge. Please give priority to elderly guests and those who may need extra assistance, such as families with small children. No pets are allowed on the Wacipi Grounds, with the exception of service dogs.